May 21, 2003

just a trifle

I came across this. The following paragraph caught my eye:

"International Islamic terrorism is like a notorious man-eating shark flailing on the deck of a fishing boat: you still wouldn't put your arm near its mouth, but it's safer to go back in the water."

So why the orange alert on the fishing boat? Have all the fish have been fished out and the shark has nothing to eat?

James is a managing editor of this magazine. According to the mag's blub James is:

"...a freelance writer and journalist. He has written for a wide variety of news and general interest publications, including US News & World Report,, Reason, National Review Online, and The Australian."

Another neo-con gracing our shores?

Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at May 21, 2003 10:52 PM | TrackBack

He's been here for a while- lives in Sydney. Good bloke and potential Liberal voter.

Posted by: Scott Wickstein on May 22, 2003 02:56 AM

One would hope that he sharpens up his act.

Posted by: Gary Sauer-Thompson on May 22, 2003 09:55 AM
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