May 17, 2003

having fun and being smart

You recall those stories that have been circulating the national media recently courtesy of Virginia Haussegger, about women getting themselves a house and a career only to discover they'd missed out on the motherhood bit? See here

The conservative women, if you recall, loved it. In they came with their stories about the joys of full-time motherhood, feminism denying women a child and freminism making middle class women selfish etc etc.

Well, shift the focus to dating with its ethos of flirting, seduction and romance. What's going on there? Equality? Women asking men out? Men asking women out? Now that everybody is relaxed and comfortable with the blurring of gender difference I guess everyone is gaily single and having great fun managing their love life with panache.

Or is it a case of can't find a man or a women? Elspeth Probyn says no worries. "Go online, have fun text-flirting." She recommends it. She has great success with pragmatic love in a virtual new world.

Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at May 17, 2003 02:41 PM | TrackBack
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