May 15, 2003

an eye on architecture

I thought that I would broaden my perspective on aesthetics from the personal in provincal Adelaide to the public spaces in the global city of Australia.

You can give Seidler's old modernist Australia Square the flick though. He has a funky website though.

Looking back I guess his institutionalized modernism was a response to fascism and Stalinism. Was the austerity and elitism a response aesthetic consumer culture of capitalism with its fetish of style, surface and hedonism? This was a time when the desiring body was harnessed to the imperatives of making a buck.

Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at May 15, 2003 10:33 PM | TrackBack

It maybe funky but it's also flickering...The Canberra House site is great. This is all really fascinating ground. It would be interesting to read more about architecture from its tenants - the people who actually inhabit the abstract visions "in the mind of the architect". I'd like to hear about the rewards as well as the possible gaps in the experience, the impact of brave new design. I suspect though a lot of people are too busy working to pay for their spaces to spend a lot of time within them?

Posted by: boynton on May 16, 2003 03:15 PM
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