April 29, 2005

from system to the preconceptual

The quote below is from Paul Piccone, who is spelling out the way the radical philosophers in the US associated with Telos magazine appropriated continental philosophy. Telo has described itself as "the philosophical conscience of the American left" and "a journal of radical thought". It began with a "systematic effort to retrieve the lost and suppressed tradition of Western Marxism. ... Of course, at that time we had not yet realized that Western Marxism, in all its variations, would also turn out to be a dud, but it certainly seemed a worthwhile effort."

Piccone says:

"Unless categorical objectifications (including, first and foremost, the legal order) are grounded in some pre-conceptual dimension, the system of which they are a part tends to self-destruct. ....This is the context defining, among others, Theodor W. Adorno's articulation of identity logic, Edmund Husserl's critique of naturalism, John Dewey's account of the naturalistic fallacy, Ludwig Wittgenstein's vindication of the primacy of forms of life, or Alfred North Whitehead's warnings about misplaced concreteness. As in the case of the unabridgeable gap obtaining between legal structures and all the concrete cases they must cover, being and thought do not and cannot correspond. Being always exceeds thought, and the elimination of the resulting residue by Enlightenment ideology leads to thought redefinition being done exclusively in terms of its abstract concepts (identity logic). The result is an ungrounded rationalism articulated through instrumental reason that can accommodate any political agenda, and can turn into the mad rationality typical of Nazi ideology. The only solution is to ground this rationalism in the pre-rational and pre-conceptual dimension that has become occluded or forgotten: through mimesis for Adorno; in the lifeworld for Husserl; in experience for Dewey; in "concrete orders" for Schmitt, by returning to Being for Heidegger, in "forms of life" for Wittgenstein, etc."

This spells my history as well: a return to the everyday life, the body and tacit embodied knowledge.

Where to then? There were two distinct positions on the Telos editorial board: one, rooted in the critical theory tradition, has anti-authoritarian instincts and counter-establishment politics; the other, coming more from the tradition of organic conservatism, criticizes existing structures of power but values a return to more established traditions of order and authority.

Piccone goes on:

All of this is part of the critique of technology by Heidegger, Schmitt, and many other conservative thinkers, and it has little to do with computers or machinery, which are indicted only when they contribute to this kind of "forgetting." It is a critique of "the forgetting of Being," or of becoming unable to think beyond prefabricated conceptual structures that have lost touch with their grounding and, therefore, can readily be instrumentalized by, e.g., the culture industry or totalitarian regimes.

The conceptual foundation of the modernist system of categories is "the objectivist rationalism" that animated the new natural science of the 17th century and the philosophy of René Descartes. Because its rationalist, scientific truths rested on a quantification of empirical reality, it was only the length, depth, breathe, and velocity of physical objects, as they lent themselves to precise and predictable calculations, that mattered to its mathematical explanation of the world. In dismissing qualitative factors in this way, what is displaced, and rejected, are the particularistic cultures, languages, ethnicities, and all those elements that create our sense of identity and community.

Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at April 29, 2005 11:57 PM | TrackBack
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