May 20, 2004

Heidegger once again


I didn't say that I'd lost interest in Heidegger. I said that I thought I'd got all I was going to get from our discussion. The reason I said that was because, it seemed to me, you weren't really worried about the philosophical problem of existentialism but simply saw what Heidegger offered as a way of building a position in the environmental debate. Perhaps we are talking at crossed purposes again.

Right now I'm feeling fairly depressed because it seems that the only way I can continue to maintain a place in philosophy is by mixing with fascists, or the far right supporters of fascists. I'm caught on the horns of a dilemma. It's hard to sit at home and keep working away at the philosophy all the while knowing that it is never going to see the light of day. What's the point? It sits on some floppy disk or c.d. until they no longer work. For me philosophy is a social activity. I need to be out there getting it on the agenda.

But in order to get it out I have to compromise myself over and over. I have to listen to pseudo-academic reactionary wank and pretend that it's scholarly. I talked about the wank in my last contribution. I won't go into it all again.

It's not just the far right guys that bother me but all the bourgeois shits who can't tell the difference between wank and scholarship.

In the midst of all this angst I'm trying to write a paper about Adorno and metaphysics, which is why the Heidegger discussion was of use and why it stopped being of use at a certain point. Anyway, it's taking all my time and I don't have the energy to think too far afield.

Keep up the writing. Perhaps I'll feel better about things tomorrow. Perhaps.

Posted by at May 20, 2004 09:44 AM | TrackBack
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