March 14, 2004

a surrealist moment

Just to lighten things up a bit.
Jan Saudek, Social-eyes with Dark Eyes Vodka, 1969

I lead a nomadic existence these days within the changing state of things. I live in a volatile juncture within a disparate set of circumstances that are forever changing. The image caught my eye as I was moving through the differently ordered centres of the legislating subject.

Dunno what I thought when I saw it. The eyes of surveillance; the society of the spectacle; the difference between force and power; the wildness of chaos that breaks constraints and walls; a nomadic space that Nietzsche called a gay science; myself as a dynamic life force moving through space; a pitch of intensity.

Bertrand Russell's philosophy was all about system---an architecture of propositions constructed in terms of mathematical axioms. I much prefer philosophy as a tool box whose tools can be used a crowbar to pry things opne or a hammer to sound out their rottenness.

Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at March 14, 2004 05:03 PM | TrackBack
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